Our Diary

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Happy Birthday Fabio! 🕯️

Thank you for being in my life

I wasn’t sure what gift to give you for your birthday, but I wanted it to be something personal and meaningful. Since you’re passionate about websites, I thought of creating one as a special place where we can see our memories together. It’s my little way of showing how much you mean to me. I hope you like it :) Even though I could not code it, my intention matters hopefully ❤️

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This is the place where we met and collected the most memories, so I needed to start with this one of course. Even though it didn't turn out to be what we expected, it still holds a special place and I am glad that I went to Haarlem :). Especially you and Ceren were my one and only family thereee. I will never forget what we experienced with all the good sides only. Thank you for entering my life and earning a piece of my heart.


Thinking about this one makes me so emotional. I thought it would be our last one... It was definetly our best trip. We were like "götle don" the whole trip long. I can't believe we shared so much during this one. It was also so relaxing with the beautiful nature. I hope we can create even better ones until your next bdayy, to more unforgettable memories.


Sadly we don't have that much photos here and did not experience the Berlin night life. But I really had fun in the lakes. Also it was the first time we seperated for a long time. During my stay in Berlin I missed you a lottt, which made me realize how much you mean to meee.


Good clubs, good weather and good food :) One of the best cities I have ever visited and thanks to you it was even betteeerrr. When I think about it the first thing I remember is laying in the sand and just enjoying life. I wish I was there now. We should go againnn but be more carefull the next time when we are riding the bicycles. You know my scar is still there, like a tatoo I swear. :D


It was our first vacation and the trip where you met one of my best Friends Cemre. Also not to forget that it was our first trip as a trio with Cerennn. We wanted to party so much becasue of Haarlemm :) Had lots of fun with you hereeee, I hope it was okay having a trip with three girls around you. By the way it was so hard to find some pictures because we only took videos where we are partying and they were too bad to add heres


Amazing food and people is the best way to describe this city I think. I know this one was more personal to you, thank you for inviting me and Ceren and also intoducing us to your family. It was a wanderfull experience to live in rome like real Italians. (I need to say good that you don't have that beard anymore :D)


I really didn't expected yo to come to İstanbul so soon, even two times. You coming here means a lot to me. In the first one we nearly only cried and we did not have a lot of time, so everything was basically rushed. But in the second one you stayed nearly ten daysss, wasn't enough though. Spending new years with you was so cuteee. And because you stayed so long it reminded me of Harleem, like we were living together again.